Virginia Hepc and university of washington’s hepatitis c online

 Expanding your learning options!

Virginia HEPC is collaborating with the University of Washington Hepatitis C Online to enhance the learning experience of those in our network. This partnership will provider greater choices for learners who participate asynchronously and those who attend our twice yearly in-person conferences. UW’s comprehensive online platform allows you to obtain additional CEUs, provides the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of hepatitis C treatment, and learn at your own pace.


Read through the FAQs, then click the button below when you are ready to register or sign-in to your Hepatitis C Online account.

Hepatitis C Online FAQs

How do I get started?
First you’ll need to register with Hepatitis C Online, then you can join the Virginia HEPC learning group. If you already have an account with Hepatitis C Online, you can sign in.

How do I join the Virginia HEPC Learning Group?
Email Invite
If you get an email invitation to join, use the link from your email and click the, ‘Join the Group’ button on the Hepatitis C Online screen.

Group Add Code
You can also join with a Group Add Code. Go to your profile icon in the top left of the Hepatitis C Online home screen and under Learning Groups, select ‘Join or Create a Group’ then paste this code, ebshbu9sw9, into the Join a Group section in the field, ‘Do you have a Group Add Code?’

Why does Hepatitis C Online ask for so much information when I set up my account?
This is a federally funded source of education and UW needs to appropriately track dissemination. If you have questions or concerns about the account set up, please contact us at

How do I get CNE/CME credit?
You must select the CNE/CME option for each module in order to get the credit. If you choose Self-study, you will not get credits.

Who can see my activity on Hepatitis C Online?
People in the Virginia HEPC Learning Group can see your first and last name and the courses you have worked on and completed. You can change your settings to limit how your information is displayed.

What if I’ve already done this training?
If you have recently completed Hepatitis C Online Course Modules then you’re all set for now! If it has been more than a year, we encourage you to go back and give yourself a review and to refresh your knowledge.

What if I can’t finish the training before attending an in-person training?
We understand that things can get busy. Do your best to work through Course Modules 1 and 5 so you’ll get the most out of the in-person conference training, but don’t worry if you have to complete it after the conference.